Smink, valamint a szépségblog hétfői szavazás, vol. 643

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Kiváló kérdés! Nem, ellentétben a nevével, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a kattintásos gombok. Ez csak öt vagy kevesebb véletlenszerű aggodalomra ad okot, amelyet minden hétfőn hétfőn adtam ki a múltban az elmúlt évadban (2007 óta). Szeretem a válaszokat olvasni, és segíti, hogy segítsen nekem a héten, hogy nagyszerűen kezdjem.

1. Last show you binged as well as loved?

Ted Lasso on Apple TV. It stars Jason Sudeikis, who — fun truth — is a solid basketball player in his own right. The show is about an acclaimed collegiate American football coach who moves to England when he’s provided the possibility to coach a expert football (as in soccer!) team there. It’s got a great deal of what we like to phone call in our home “potty talk,” a.k.a. “lazy language,” a.k.a. “four-letter words,” however I truly like the characters, as well as I like the general optimistic feel of the show. The primary characters, shockingly (for a show in this day as well as age), constantly select to be kind. It’s extremely refreshing.

2. Last thing you drank?

I just took a sip of Nestle Pure Life protect in Blackberry, which I got as a sample with my usual monthly water bottle delivery. It has zinc as well as is supposed to preserve a typical working immune system? I dunno… It tastes alright. Actually, it tastes terrible. like water with a semi-rotten blackberry in it. LOL! I’m not loving it, however it’s here, it’s open, it’s cold, as well as I’m drinking it.


3. A snapshot of an regular moment in your life that brings you genuine joy?

One was when Connor Claire was about two or three. I had just put her down for the night, as well as she was there in her crib beneath the covers, looking up at me extremely sweetly. She has lullabies that play in her space every night, as well as she started singing one of the lullabies while it was playing… She just lay there, looking up at me, singing.

4. A show you’ll never forget?

Ó! — easily, Janet Jackson at the Shoreline Amphitheater in 1994 with my buddy Jen. It was outdoors, as well as we had decent seats. We danced as well as screamed the whole time. ÍGY. FUN.

5. Something that people frequently get wrong about you?

LOL… My age? I don’t understand if it still occurs as much as it utilized to, however back in the day people would always presume I was younger than I truly am. When I worked as a legal secretary in my 20s, I would frequently be asked if I was one of the college interns, hahaha. If I’d only understood exactly how fleeting *that* season in my life would be, hahaha!


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6. A preferred movie?

There are so many, however I truly do like Clueless.

7. What are you deeply grateful for right now?

My education, since I was just telling Connor that there are countries where many women aren’t even enabled to go to school, as well as I’m deeply grateful to have had the possibility to surface high institution as well as go on to college.

8. Something happens, as well as you’re called upon to be brave, however all you feel is fear. What’s the very first thing you do?

Put my hand on my belly, as well as take a few big, deep breaths. then I repeat to myself, either out loud or in my head, “I understand I can do this.” as well as I state it over as well as over again.

9. What shoes are you using today?

My white Nikes, baby! El Hub phone calls them my “nursing shoes,” however whatever. I wear them all the time since they go with everything!

A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,



P.S. Itt van az aggodalmak, hogy másolják / illessze be a válaszokat egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszélj.

1. Last show you binged as well as loved?
2. Last thing you drank?
3. A snapshot of an regular moment in your life that brings you genuine joy?
4. A show you’ll never forget?
5. Something that people frequently get wrong about you?
6. A preferred movie?
7. What are you deeply grateful for right now?
8. You’re called upon to be brave, however all you feel is fear. What’s the very first thing you do?
9. What shoes are you using today?

P.P… have a fantastic Monday, my friend. I hope your heart as well as spirit feel light today!

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