Smink, valamint a fellebbviteli blog hétfői szavazás, vol. 712

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Kiváló kérdés! Nem, ellentétben a nevével, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a bit Clicky gombok. Ez csak egy csomó többé-kevésbé véletlenszerű aggodalomra ad okot, amit minden hétfőn hétfőn adtam ki a múltban az elmúlt évadban (2007 óta).

1. exactly how are your drawing and/or painting skills?

Passable if I requirement to communicate an concept to someone, however otherwise quite basic. Both are at the level of eighth grade art class, which was when I peaked artistically, LOL!

2. have you ever taken or wished to take a ballet class?

I took a few beginner classes in my 20s when I resided in San Francisco however never rather got into it. I favored the high energy of hip-hop dance classes. Although, the people in my ballet class were so interesting! There were a number of high-level football players in the beginner class, as well as I was always so in awe of their body control.


3. vegas or Hawaii?

Assuming this decision might be made during non-pandemic times, then Hawaii in a heartbeat, however I wouldn’t state no to vegas if I only had to be there for 48 hours to eat tasty food as well as enjoy online shows.

4. lotion in a jar: your thoughts?

Ya know, I don’t mind it if it’s body lotion since it’s that much quicker for me to scoop it out of a jar than to utilize a tube or a pump.

5. backpack or fanny pack?

Although I don’t own one, I wouldn’t mind a fanny pack.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. Carrots or celery?

Baby carrots all the way!

7. Is it odd for you to wear bright lipstick?

Nah, not at all. I like bright reds, pinks as well as corals.

8. yoga or spinning?

Spinning, since I requirement to sweat today.

9. Last book you finished?

“Klara as well as the Sun.” liked it, although I have so lots of mixed feelings about the ending.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,



P.S. Itt van az aggodalmak, hogy másolják / illessze be a válaszokat egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszéljen ya-val.

1. exactly how are your drawing and/or painting skills?
2. have you ever taken or wished to take a ballet class?
3. vegas or Hawaii?
4. lotion in a jar: your thoughts?
5. backpack or fanny pack?
6. Carrots or celery?
7. Is it odd for you to wear bright lipstick?
8. yoga or spinning?
9. Last book you finished

P.P… hey there there, wonderful girl! I hope you treat yourself with generosity as well as sweetness this week. Please take pleasure in this lovely Monday!

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