Guerlain Météorites

Guerlain Météorites is a cult classic – there’s not much I can add to the history and information that’s already out there, so I’ll just show what I own and my thoughts on them.  I will attempt to write this whole post without using the word balls (other than this one mention), or snicker.  Staying classy!

I finally jumped on the Météorites bandwagon a few years back when I learned that Guerlain finally retired the flimsy cardboard packaging in favour of a plastic / metal one.   I actually only own one Météorites from the regular line, the other 2 are from the limited edition collections.  I also received a gift years ago of a travel loose powder (called Voyage Powder).

• Champs Elysees Météorites Perles crazy Pearls (Holiday 2013) 30g
• Météorites Powder For The face 02 Teint beige 30g
• Perles D’Azur Météorites by Emilio Pucci (Summer 2012) 30g (link to my unboxing post here)
• Météorites Pearly Touch Voyage Powder 00 Pure Light 7g
• Meteorites Cruel Gardenia 9g

I consider the Météorites a finishing powder and highlighter combined – I apply this all over my face as the final step, often over a setting powder. I love the subtle glowy effect it creates – with an emphasis on subtle.  The powder will not control oil or really do much colour correcting, but it will diffuse the look of fine lines and leave the complexion with a slightly softened appearance. I delight in the Météorites for the product as much as for the experience: the beautiful packaging, the violet scent, and the colourful radiant pearls!  No one needs this, but to me, they’re practically objets d’art on the vanity.

Picture time! (I’m not even going to bother swatching any of these because they’re so subtle, there’s no point.)

Champs Elysees Météorites Perles crazy Pearls (Holiday 2013) – imparts a subtle pink glow to my skin, the effect is really pretty in the winter season months.

Météorites Powder For The face 02 Teint beige – blends well into my skin without apparent shimmer or additional colour – it’s my preferred one.

Perles D’Azur Météorites by Emilio Pucci (Summer 2012) – was my last hurrah before I went on my No-Buy, but I was slightly disappointed in how shimmery it looked on my skin. It’s my least preferred out of my collection.

Here are the 3 Meteorites pearls all together:

Each comes with an assortment of 5 different coloured pearls – some are much more shimmery than others and the pearls are various sizes:

Météorites Pearly Touch Voyage Powder 00 Pure Light – is a very pale shimmery pearly pinky white coloured loose powder with the same signature Météorites violet scent – I’ve had this for about 7 years now:

I don’t use the puff dispenser anymore – I unscrew the top and dip my brush lightly into the container so I can apply it at focused areas for highlighting.

I included the Cruel Gardenia highlighter because it’s part of the Meteorites family – this product is a much more conventional highlighter and ought to only applied to the high points of the face, not all over. The beautiful floral embossed design though, leaves me hesitant to ever use it:

The ideal type of brushes to use with the Météorites pearls are ones with natural hair bristles that are slightly on the course side.  Guerlain sells a corresponding Météorites brush which is a little rough to the touch – this is by design. The synthetic type brushes with super soft brushes just can’t get enough product off the pearls. My preference is a Bare Minerals flawless Radiance brush, which fits well into the tin for swirling around:

In early 2014, Guerlain re-launched the Météorites with a new formulation, now called Light Revealing Pearls Powder:

Guerlain’s spring 2014 Météorites blossom collection celebrates the reinvention of the legendary Météorites Pearls, whose light-diffusing properties reduce defects and add brightness to the skin. much more than 25 years after its invention, Météorites Pearls emerges with new constellations of colors to revive light and increase radiance. For the first time ever, Météorites Pearls incorporates Guerlain’s new, revolutionary ― Stardust Technology, a spherical pigment contained within each pearl. This formulation diffracts light upon contact to offer the supreme in luminous skin. Météorites blossom celebrates this revolutionary technology, as well as the romantic colors of the new constellations, through images of light and unlimited radiance.

Bla bla bla. What Guerlain did was made the powders softer so that it was simpler to pick up with a brush, as well, they decreased the amount of product from 30g per tin to 25g. I’ve read that the new pearls tend to crumble and they’re much more shimmery now. I personally saw this change as an opportunity for Guerlain to decrease the amount of product but still charge the same price. Also, by making product softer, it implies the product will get used up faster as well! Call me cynical.

But, I might get one of the new formula (maybe 04 Doré, sha fentiek szerint) csak az összehasonlítási pont. Rájöttem, hogy már elegendő météorita van, hogy 3 élettartamot tartsak – nem igazán akarom használni őket. If you want to go oogle at an remarkable collection of Meteorites, please check out the Flickr album of CarolineSwing, the MakeupAlley local balls Lover. * Snicker * Sajnálom!

Elesettél Guerlain Météoreites-hez?

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