Sunshine award

I figured I’d better hurry and do this award too because StyledWithJoy has been prodding me to do these asap!  She’s really a pest and you better do as she says!

EDIT: I just observed that I was also nominated by thelifeofkristyn so I’ve appended her concerns to me below.

A szabályok
• thank the person who nominated you [uh, thanks Joy!]
• answer the concerns from the person who nominated you
• Nominate a few other bloggers
• write the same amount of concerns for the blog writers you nominated
• Notify the blog writers on their blog
• put the award button on your blog

 Questions from Joy:

1. describe your go-to attire for the weekend:
Jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie

2. describe your go-to everyday makeup look:
Natural but polished: Taupe eye shadow, mascara, brows, pinky peach blush, bb cream

3. Which eyeshadow combination do you use the absolute most?
My own customized MAC 4-pan which includes: Satin Taupe, Patina, Wedge (all MAC) and a depotted Milani Java Bean

4. favorite lipstick at the moment?
Elizabeth Arden outstanding Lipstick in Breathless

5. Skincare product you cannot live without:
Clinique drastically different Lotion

6. naturally directly or wavy/curly hair:
Straight with slight wave and a cowlick on the best side (ugh)

7. If you had to leave the house today without a drop of makeup on, could you?

Questions from Kristyn:

1. What is the one thing you can’t leave the house without, not including your cell phone?
A pénztárcám. I figured if I leave everything else, I can always purchase what I need!

2. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
Egy kiskutya!

3. If you could only use one makeup product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Shu Uemura brow pencil in seal Brown

4. What is your much-loved hair product?
Tresemme Tres Two Ultra Fine Mist Hair Spray has been a long time like of mine

5. describe your ideal foundation.
A light to medium coverage that matches my skin tone and can be used with my fingers that isn’t streaky.  Shiseido sheer and ideal foundation fits the bill for me!

6. What is your much-loved movie?
One that I will enjoy over and over again is The green Mile.

7. What is your greatest pet peeve?
People who interrupt other people when they’re talking

My Nominees:
• Mountains and Makeup
• Trying everything Once
• auberginereverie
• Matromao of Food + world + Me
• Ryane Zamora Beauty
• I am charm Bee XO
• Sharon charm Prime
• Ingrid of Curly spring Blossom

My Questions:

1. What’s your much-loved animation show?

2. Where was the last place you checked out / vacationed?

3. What’s your signature phrase / saying?

4. Your much-loved dessert?

5. least much-loved chore?

6. What’s your much-loved eyeliner?

7. Do you eat the red ones last?

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