Smink, valamint a fellebbviteli blog hétfői szavazás, vol. 714

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Kiváló kérdés! Nem, ellentétben a nevével, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a bit Clicky gombok. Ez csak egy csomó többé-kevésbé véletlenszerű aggodalomra ad okot, amit minden hétfőn hétfőn adtam ki a múltban az elmúlt évadban (2007 óta).

1. Sweet, salty or spicy?

Sweet, always.

2. incredibly sticky lipgloss: indeed or no?

These days, no.


3. somebody you plan to see this week?

My buddy Kelly. She’s the mommy of Coywolf’s bestie from preschool, as well as we ended up being friends two years ago.

4. Coffee today?

Yes, indeed as well as yes. I had my very first cup when I woke up at 6:00 a.m., as well as now I’m looking ahead to a decaf or a half-calf at lunch.

5. jumpsuit or dress?

Mindkét! however if I had to pick one, I’d opt for a gown with pockets.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. What’s for lunch today?

A huge bowl of fresh, crunchy veggies (I’m trying to get in my five servings every day), as well as an Amy’s frozen meal. have you ever had the Indian Mattar Paneer? ANNYIRA JÓ. I’m craving it today.

7. A fun game you like to play?

Connor has a bingo game for youngsters called Zingo that I truly enjoy, LOL! If you have any type of kids in your life as well as you requirement a present, I extremely suggest it!

8. What’s on your lips today?

Ilia tinted Balmy Gloss in Tahiti, my preferred for video meetings.

9. Something great that occurred to you in January?

I started reading once again before bed as well as completed rather a few books. It’s fun, as well as it makes me feel good!

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,



P.S. Itt van az aggodalmak, hogy másolják / illessze be a válaszokat egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszéljen ya-val.

1. Sweet, salty or spicy?
2. incredibly sticky lipgloss: indeed or no?
3. somebody you plan to see this week?
4. Coffee today?
5. jumpsuit or dress?
6. What’s for lunch today?
7. A fun game you like to play?
8. What’s on your lips today?
9. Something great that occurred to you in January?

P.P… delighted Monday! I hope that this week brings you so lots of great things. sending you a huge hug!

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