Smink, valamint a fellebbviteli blog hétfői szavazás, vol. 431

You may be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Nos, ez nem pontosan szavazás. It’s a lot more of a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past eight (!) years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

Do you have any type of birthmarks?
Nekem kettő van. One is found on the back of my left thigh; it’s type of small-ish. Last time I checked, it was shaped like the specify of Florida.

And I utilized to have — as well as I state “used to have” since I just checked, as well as I can’t seem to discover it — I utilized to have a mole on the bottom of my ideal heel, however it’s gone!

Nem tudom. Is that even physically possible? perhaps I requirement to laundry my feet…

Are your toes currently painted? If so, what are they wearing?
YAAAAASSS! Of program they’re painted, since when they’re not painted, they look like monkey paws.

I’m using two coats of Essie Gel polish in appeal VIP, a creamy jade green.

What’s your signature dance move?
The Snake, girlfriend! You can’t out-Snake me.

When was the last time you provided somebody flowers?
The last time I provided somebody flowers was Mother’s Day. I got my mommy a potted orchid, as well as she got me the exact same thing, so we each provided each other potted orchids.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being pro-caliber, exactly how do you rate your winged liner skills?
I’d provide myself a solid 7. I believe I’m quite great at it. I do have my days when I can do, like, with a liquid pen liner, one fell swoop from inner to outer corner, however those days are few as well as far between… I can do it though.

Yeah, a solid 7.


Te jössz. Csak másoljon, és illessze be az aggodalmak betartását egy megjegyzéssel a válaszokkal. Előre nézek, hogy olvassam!

1. Do you have any type of birthmarks?
2. Are your toes currently painted? If so, what are they wearing?
3. What’s your signature dance move?
4. When was the last time you provided somebody flowers?
5. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being pro-caliber, exactly how do you rate your winged liner skills?


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$ 42

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Hi, wonderful pea. delighted Monday to ya. I hope you’re feeling fabulous this morning as well as that your day got off to a great start.

I’m in a great mood since Connor woke up in a great mood. When I reached down to pick her up from her crib, the very first thing she did was smile, as well as it was one of those “smile with your eyes” type of smiles.


If you requirement it, here’s a huge online hug [*HUG!*]. have a great rest of your day, as well as I’ll speak to you soon.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


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